
Showing posts from November, 2019

Where is ALLAH?

Answer: Unless you have decided not to "see" Him, you cannot "miss" Him! "No vision can grasp Allah but Allah grasps all visions" (The Qur'an 6:103).  A slave's answer, "above the heavens," was accepted by the Prophet (peace be upon him) who then ordered her master to "free her. She is a believer." (Muslim). When supplicating to Allah, "Muslims raise their hands knowing that Allah is above them." (Ibn al-Qayyim). How do we reply to those who ask, "Where is Allah exactly?'' We cannot 'locate' Allah the way we locate human beings, places and objects. We can ask the whereabouts of a person or an object that exist in time and space. For example, we live in time (today), and we have a body that fills some space. Allah is the Creator of time and space. The Creator cannot be of the same nature as the things He created. If Allah is like His creations, then His existence, like His creations,

Too late for tears.

Turn to Allah before your return to Allah. Death knocked on a bedroom door. "Who is there?" the sleeping one cried. "I'm Izrael, let me inside." At once, the man began to shiver as one sweating in deadly fever. "Please, go away, O Angel of Death, I'm not ready yet. My Family, on me depend, give me a chance, to go back and mend."  The Angle knocked again. "It's your soul that I require, I come not with my own desire." The man began to cry. "Oh Angel, I'm so afraid to die, I'll give you gold and be your slave, don't send me to the unlit grave." "Let me in," the Angel said. "Open the door, get up from your bed, if you do not allow me in, in a second, I can be within." The man held a gun in his right hand, ready to defy the Angel's stand. " I'll point my gun towards your head You dare come in - I'll shoot you dead." By now, the Angel was in the room, saying, " O